So fear takes control, yet again...

I lay in bed
Mind racing
The thoughts in my head
Are sickening

I hear your rapid breathing
It crackles and shuffles
I know the sounds are misleading
In my heart I know you are okay

But my mind takes a spin
The thoughts I have, they make me crazy
I tell myself you're fine, I should go to sleep
But there is a little voice that says that you might suffocate because I am being lazy

So fear takes control, yet again
The conversation continues
Axiety is building up inside
I just can't get these thoughts to stop
There is nowhere to hide

So there I lay
Paralyzed by fear
Not sure whether to fight or give in
When all I really want is to hold you near

Tell you that you are going to be fine
You will get through
This is hell for us both
And sometimes, I just don't know what to do

You are perfectly capable of sleeping on your own
But my fear is getting in the way
I am so scared of losing you
But in my heart I know that you are okay..

**mijn zoontje heeft verborgen reflux, wat vaker zorgt voor extreme hoestbuien en benauwdheid.
Na een tijdje aankijken toch naar huisarts gegaan. Blijkt hij longontsteking te hebben, veroorzaakt door bacterie of reflux.

1092 x gelezen, 0

In Baby

reacties (2)

  • Myrtheflower


  • ils2327

    Komt zo vaak voor. Beterschap voor je zoontje & sterkte voor jou, mama